WordPress plugin

wpUTM Tracker

Become independent from cookie web-tracking and rejected cookie banners with the UTM Form Tracker Plugin for WordPress.
The WordPress plugin “wpUTM Tracker” tracks the source of inquiries and invisibly inserts UTM parameters (Urchin Tracking Module) into forms such as Contact Form 7, WP-Forms, and Elementor. UTM parameters are known in tools like Google Analytics for tracking campaign data. The plugin allows for the evaluation of this information when inquiries are made via contact forms. Campaigns can thus be assessed not just by inquiries but by actual sales


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When UTM parameters are passed to the website, this information is stored in a website cookie for 30 days. With the help of the plugin, they can then be easily inserted into Contact Form 7, WP-Forms or Elementor lead generation forms on the website. Not only the UTM format is supported, in principle any parameters can be configured with individual names.

When passing UTM or other parameters individually configured in the plugin to your website, this information is stored in a website cookie for 30 days. They can then be inserted into any lead generation or order form on your website.

The functions of the wpUTM Tracker

Standard UTM parameters

Your website uses the standard UTM parameters of Google Analytics? Great! Just download the plugin, activate it, select form provider and from now on your forms will be automatically extended with the URM parameters.

Custom parameters

Your website uses custom parameters for evaluation or you have implemented with a specific advertising or retargeting network? This is also not a problem! With the wpUTM Tracker, custom parameters can also be used.


With the wpUTM Tracker WordPress plugin, source information can not only be attached to a contact request, in addition, the plugin also provides a clear lead management functionality to track the success of the promotional efforts.

Evaluate lead performance precisely – regardless of cookie banners!

UTM Form Plugin - Analyse form requests without any cookies!

About wpUTM Tracker

The wpUTM Tracker plugin was developed from a concrete question: A certain advertising activity (insert Google Ads or Bing Ads or Facebook Ads or ad networks or sent newsletters etc.) has generated X leads in a calendar month.

This is nice and you can calculate the CPL (Cost pr Lead) based on the known metrics. But the really interesting question, which query actually generated sales, is not answered. Of course, you can try to get an answer to this question in the initial contact. However, it is more professional and targeted if you already have this information.

To round off the plugin, a lead management functionality was also integrated. That is to say all incoming leads are collected in a clear interface, statuses can be changed and statistics can be created.

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We use cookies on our website. Some of them are essential, while others help us improve this website and your experience. You have the right to consent only to technically necessary cookies and to revoke your consent to cookies at a later time. Below you will find an overview of all cookies used by this website, and you can consent to entire categories or view detailed information about each cookie and consent to them individually.